Dr. Zheng Chen, Associate Professor
Director of Bio-inspired Robotics and Controls Lab
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University of Houston
4726 Calhoun Road, Houston, Room N207, Texas, 77204
Email: zchen43@central.uh.edu; Phone: 713-743-6427
Office: Engineering Building 2, Room W208; Office hours: 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Tuesday
Biography | Publication | Research | Students | Openings |
News about Bio-inspired Robotics and Control Lab:
After 4 year PhD study, Alicia Keow passed her PhD defense in July 2021. After her graduation, Dr. Keow joined Sandia National Lab as a postdoc.
Dr. Chen's research is highlighted in the ASME DSCD news letter.
Dr. Chen moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston.
Zhihang Ye passed his PhD defense. Congrats, Dr. Ye.
Dr. Chen received NSF CAREER award to develop artificial muscle technology for prothesises.
Congratulations to Alicia Keow. Ms. Keow, MSEE, presented her research on novel solar energy storage system at the 14th Annual Capitol Graduate Research Summit on Friday, March 10. She received the best project award for students from WSU. Her research is currently funded by the Kansas NSF ESPCoR first award.
Dr. Chen received Multidisciplineary Research Project Award (MURPA) from Wichita State University to develop an artificial muscle for bioinspired actuation in exoskleton applications.
Congratulations to Piqi Hou. Mr. Hou passed his MS defense and received his MS degree in Electrical Engineering.
Congratulations to Alicia Keow. Ms. Keow received an IEEE-HKN James Maxwell award at Wichita State University in 2016.
Dr. Hassan Khalil from Michigan State University visited the Bio-inspired Robotics and Control Lab.
Dr. Chen received Kansas NSF EPSCoR First Award to develop solar energy storage systems using Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite enhanced water electrolysis.
Congratulations to Tushar Nagpure. Mr. Nagpure passed his MS Thesis defense at Wichita State University. He will receive his MS degree in electrical engineering in December. Mr. Nagpure is currently working as an electrical engineer at Kairos Technologies Inc.
Congratulations to Tushar Nagpure. Mr. Nagpure received a student travel grant from the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference (DSCC). Mr. Nagpure presented his research on modeling of ionic polymer-metal composite enabled hydrogen production at the DSCC conference.
Congratulations to Mr. Tianxu Yang. Mr. Yang received his MS degree from Wichita State University in August 2015. He is currently working as an electrical engineer at China Telecom Americas in Los Angeles.
Congratulations to Mr. Zhihang Ye. Mr. Ye received Magie Sawan Fellowship.
Dr. Chen received University Research/Creative Project award from Wichita State University to develop a 3D manuverable robotics fish propelled by smart material artificial muscles.
Dr. Chen and his collegues received an NSF Cyber-Physical Systems grant to develop bio-inspired robotic fish for underwater cyber-physical systems.
Dr. Chen received a research grant from Baker Hughes, which is one of the biggest oil service companies in the world, to develop an auto-tuning control algorithm for hydraulic fracturing equipment.
Dr. Chen received Award for Research/Creative Projects from Wichita State University to develop a novel solar energy storage system enabled by smart materials.